

SoCal PPE is San Diego County’s only NFPA compliant ISP (Independent Service Provider) owned and operated by veterans. It is our goal to help develop and support NFPA 1851, Care and Maintenance programs within all fire departments. Together, we can build the program that fits your department best.

Why SoCal PPE, San Diego?

For both health and safety reasons of the firefighter, it is critical that carcinogenic hydrocarbon, grease and soot be removed from firefighter PPE to help mitigate personnel from getting cancer. Let SoCal PPE in San Diego, a verified company for performing advanced inspection and repairs on firefighting garments, help keep your most important asset healthy! SoCal PPE will also be involved in offering educational and training classes to Fire personnel to help them implement and adhere to NFPA 1851 guidelines, thus also encouraging them to be part of the solution in their health and safety.